Most patients and their family caregivers expect a stay in a nursing home rehabilitation (rehab) unit to be a short stop on the way home. But sometimes going home is not possible. For example, if your mother was sent to rehab from a hospital after a stroke because she needed to relearn to walk and feed herself, she might not be able to be on her own even after several weeks of rehab.
Like other transitions (moves), moving from a short stay in a rehab setting to a long-stay unit in the same facility or another one, can be difficult and confusing. When Short Term Rehab Turns into a Long-Term Stay gives you information about the process and addresses some of the most common questions.
Remember that even when your family member moves to a long-term care setting, you are still an important member of the team. Your continued involvement will be important for your family member’s well-being. The guide has information about what you can do for your family member during and after the transition.