Going home from a hospital or rehab requires planning. As a caregiver you may assume many responsibilities and it is important that you know what they are. It is also important that you inform the medical team what you can or cannot do for your family member and what you may need training in order to do. This form includes important questions that will help the discharge planner (a health care professional, usually a nurse or social worker, who plans the discharge and arranges follow-up care) and you plan for services you or your family member may need after discharge.
The best way for you to fill out this form is to do it together with the discharge planner or case manager. If this is hard to arrange, then please fill this form out on your own, and ask for time to talk about it with the discharge planner. Either way, make sure the discharge planner answers all your questions.
Remember that the facility has an obligation to arrange for a safe discharge plan.
What Do I Need as a Family Caregiver?